Friday, January 13, 2012

The Best Laid Plans...

It's snowing...finally, it's snowing. The first real snow of the year, and my daughter gets a snow day. So that I could enjoy the day with her, I came home from work. My intention: I'll take the day and spend some good quality time with my little girl, because we haven't really done that in a long time. Just the two of us...alone in the house...not to mention she doesn't like being home alone. No sooner than the school makes its determination, her "dad" is rearing to get out of work so that he can have her early, my fiance is rearing to get out of work cuz he doesn't want to be there, and now that I'm already home I'm trying to tell everyone to stay at work. No dice...fiance walks in the door about 20 minutes after I do. There goes that quality day. Waiting for my daughter's dad to call and say he's leaving work early...why do I bother. I made a simple request ("Please stay at work"), but it is apparently not one that can be respected. Now I'm admittedly grumpy, kinda bitchy, a little snarky, and just plain mad. Every damn attempt I make to spend some time just my daughter and I goes to shit. I'm just so tired of it all...seriously, when is it my turn!?!

And that was my whine for day. Enjoy the snow, everyone. I'm going to attempt to salvage what I can out of the day. And attempt to improve my mood before I really piss someone off and say something I don't really mean...or maybe mean, and shouldn't say!