Wednesday, December 28, 2011

You'll Never Know Until You Try

In an age of blogging pretty much everywhere you turn, you'd think that someone in their 30's may have done it a time or two. Alas, this would be my first ever blog entry, and truth be told, it's more for self-therapy than for public entertainment. I guess part of me wants to believe that the way that I think and feel about things isn't crazy, or ridiculous, or just plain naive. But there are things that everyone needs to get off their chests, and well, I know how much I can talk. My rambling has got to get on the nerves of my family, my fiance, my friends, and my Facebook account. I don't think I complain, or nag. I tend to say what I need to say when I need to say it. When things bother me or piss me off, I have a lot more to say. You can see where this is going?

I'm the kind of person that needs to talk things out, to say what's on my mind in order to aid in the process of letting it go. I have to admit that I sometimes get tired of talking about it, so I know that the people around me must get tired of hearing it. Thus, I turn to blogging, a venting place in which to tell someone (or something) in no certain terms how pissed, how happy, how frustrated, and how wonderful I really am. Writing is therapy for the soul, and I'm sure the more I do it, the better I will get. It's a process, right? What could possibly go wrong?

In the past 4 months, many things have changed for me in a pretty big way. I dropped down to part-time at work and started back to school full-time, I've had hard lessons in balancing life, work, motherhood, and social life, I've lost friends, I've gained friends, I've gotten engaged, and I've witnessed my daughter's transition from child to young lady. So much happens when you're not paying attention, and I've tried very hard to pay attention to as much as possible. Not an easy feat! I've been hurt, I've been loved, and I've been lied to. Welcome to adulthood, huh?

And so I embark on this blogging journey, and if you're interested in coming along for the uncensored ride, please hop aboard. I'm happy to make your acquaintance, and would be obliged by a comment here and there. I love constructive criticism...but check your shitty attitude at the door, if you don't mind. I'm in my 30's...middle school drama is beneath me.

Till next we meet....

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